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Melinda's Famous Chicken Piccatta

My dear friend Melinda is a true housewife for her family. She has the type for every women should be when they gone for a marriage: a caring mother for the child, a gentle lover for her husband, and a good chef for the entire meal time. I couldn't experience the first two item, but the last one, I can surely say that she is the real master of cooking.

Last week I was invited to have a dinner with their family. It was Jack's (their son) fifth birthday and rather than held the party in a restaurant downtown, this year they preferred their home as the place for the celebration. I thought it was a smart choice since Jack was never complained about where his party would be held. Instead he preferred to ask about what gift should he accepted at his birthday. What a child...

So, I bought him a set of Bumblebee action figure that I knew he want it since he had watched the Transformers and replayed it again and again. I guess he would love it.

The birthday celebration was a kind of simple event since not much people they invited. There’s only about 30 people including me that most of them were families which brought their child also. Melinda brought her famous Chicken Piccatta on a beautiful blomus stainless steel plate, along with another appetizing dishes. (I couldn't explain how she truly adore those housewares like blomus stainless steel tea set or blomus stainless steel fireplace, but frankly I have seen them for years in her house).

Now here's what I could tell you about her 'famous' cooking that I have known a long time ago since we were in college. We were best friend along with other three: Jill, Nathan, and Moses. We usually hung up on Melinda’s house, watching videos, playing jokes, reading comics, and mostly having what Melinda was cooking that day.

She liked to cook and do experiments about her dishes. Fortunately, her cooking always tasted good and never failed with her experimentation. And Chicken Piccatta was the most famous of her cooking, at least for four of us.

posted by Daniy @ 6:46 AM,


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