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Home Improvement Business; Challenges and Plans

Are you looking for ideas for your next business? If that so, why don’t you look around yourself and pick something that might crushed you into a brilliant idea to make money. For a suggestion, you might want to start a home improvement business such as landscaping, loft conversions, double glazing, conservatories, etc.

This field of business offers its players with large opportunities which require creativity to distinguish the product among the others. You know that creativity is rarely similar, so everyone has their opportunity to play in the field.

But sometimes, your good ideas and creativity are not enough. At the other end of the market, less reputable businesses can damage the reputation of the home improvement sector through poor workmanship or unethical marketing practices like cold calling.

Marketing channels available to home improvement businesses are often costly and hard to measure. These includes like local press or phone directory advertising.

And the effort in marketing can be worthwhile, with a typically high average spend per successful order. The question is, how can a home improvement business stand out from the crowd, whilst achieving a good return on its marketing investment?

Direct marketing tools and methods can often offer the answer. Since it's more measurable than other marketing methods, direct marketing is more measurable and it can be targeted more closely to those potential consumers most likely to buy your home improvement services.

While you’re about to start your new home improvement business, you can consider these ways of your direct marketing campaign.

1. Planning
Planning should be the first effort to do before carrying out direct marketing campaign. This can include analyzing the existing customers to check whether they have anything in common. Discover anything you can from where they live and what type of home they live in. This can help you identify potential markets.

After you collect and analyzed your existing customers, you can put them in several groups, and then decide which groups are the most potential.

2. Direct Mail
Once you have identified the targeted groups, you can source lists of more people of the same type. There are numerous reputable consumer mailing lists and list brokers that enable you to select data from. The List Company is a mailing list company that has one of the largest databases which contains in excess of 14 million US businesses and 300 million US consumers.The List Company has established itself as a leader in the marketing list industry providing the most effective resources for all of your direct mail and telemarketing needs.

Never forget to mail your lists with a good quality mailer, personalized to each person, remember their names, and clearly explaining why you’re approaching them to offer the benefits including the price, service, testimonials, etc.

3. Telemarketing
It has known that unsolicited telemarketing (or cold calling) has tarnished the reputation of the home improvement industry.

However, if you have the list of your leads or prospects that you plan to phone, then make sure you check each number first whether they’re registered with the Telephone Preference Service.

You can also follow up a mailing to a rented list with a brief call asking whether the home owner received the information and interested with.

posted by Daniy @ 12:13 AM,


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