Home And Garden Tips
Monday, June 23, 2008
Home gardens can be hard work but for many it is a great hobby that gives you many rewards. Gardening is the most popular hobby in this country. It helps you to relax and many say it is very therapeutic. Look at it this way, you are outside in the fresh air and you are working on a project that helps to relieve stress and worry. It is also a great way to work out without having to get in your car and go to the gym. Think of the hours of enjoyment you will get when your hard work turns into gorgeous, lush gardens. Along with the enormous enjoyment you will get from your garden, you will also reap the harvest of any fruit trees and enjoy that too. There are a few garden tips that you should follow that will reward you with a beautiful home garden for you and your friends to enjoy.

There are some home gardening tips to keep in mind when shopping for new trees or shrubs. Usually, when you purchase and plant trees and shrubs they are very small. The gardener comes home and plants under a window or near the house. These plants will start to grow and can cause some tricky problems. This is a mistake to avoid. As the plants grow, so do their root systems. If planted to close to the house they could do harm to your foundation, sewer or water lines. Not only can they cause damage to these things but then it will be necessary to pay to have the tree or shrub removed. When planting shrubs around your house they may grow tall enough to block out sunlight or be a detriment to your landscaping scheme. To avoid this trouble in your home garden, find out exactly how tall and wide the shrubs and trees will be at maturity, a very important tip. Remember, never plant a tree too close to your house. The roots could cause very costly damages and you would have to have the tree taken out.
To encourage new spring growth, prune your shrubs in the fall to allow air flow. Until the shrub or tree is established you must water them liberally. Proper watering of your trees or shrubs is essential if you want them to survive and in some cases to keep the guarantee valid. Lawn sprinkler irrigation is generally inadequate for watering these new plants. Trees and shrubs must have a deeper, soaking watering of the root ball. Moist but not "sloppy wet" is the rule. The recommended watering schedule when your trees and shrubs are first planted is as follows:
Days 1-30 - Everyday
Days 31 – 60 Every other day
Days 61 & following – At least twice per week
Plants that you have watered well survive far better during the cold months than plants starting winter without enough water. Depending on your zone, it is best to plant trees and shrubs in the fall, never in the summer. Take care of your home gardens and you will have years of enjoyment adding texture and beauty to your home and yard.
Happy Gardening!

There are some home gardening tips to keep in mind when shopping for new trees or shrubs. Usually, when you purchase and plant trees and shrubs they are very small. The gardener comes home and plants under a window or near the house. These plants will start to grow and can cause some tricky problems. This is a mistake to avoid. As the plants grow, so do their root systems. If planted to close to the house they could do harm to your foundation, sewer or water lines. Not only can they cause damage to these things but then it will be necessary to pay to have the tree or shrub removed. When planting shrubs around your house they may grow tall enough to block out sunlight or be a detriment to your landscaping scheme. To avoid this trouble in your home garden, find out exactly how tall and wide the shrubs and trees will be at maturity, a very important tip. Remember, never plant a tree too close to your house. The roots could cause very costly damages and you would have to have the tree taken out.
To encourage new spring growth, prune your shrubs in the fall to allow air flow. Until the shrub or tree is established you must water them liberally. Proper watering of your trees or shrubs is essential if you want them to survive and in some cases to keep the guarantee valid. Lawn sprinkler irrigation is generally inadequate for watering these new plants. Trees and shrubs must have a deeper, soaking watering of the root ball. Moist but not "sloppy wet" is the rule. The recommended watering schedule when your trees and shrubs are first planted is as follows:
Days 1-30 - Everyday
Days 31 – 60 Every other day
Days 61 & following – At least twice per week
Plants that you have watered well survive far better during the cold months than plants starting winter without enough water. Depending on your zone, it is best to plant trees and shrubs in the fall, never in the summer. Take care of your home gardens and you will have years of enjoyment adding texture and beauty to your home and yard.
Happy Gardening!
posted by Daniy @ 8:49 PM,