What is Blogsvertise and How It Can Brings You Revenue in Blogging
Saturday, February 10, 2007
I’m gonna take you right to the point. I’m a blogger and introduced to the world of blogging since 10 months ago Where I put myself on Blogger [dot] com . At first, all I know was the happiness of having my own website with a domain name which was identical to my name. I guess it done better than geocities since blogger put my name first on the subdomain rather than after the domain itself. That’s the first point of interest: having a personal relationship with my own website.
Along as I walked through the blogosphere and the entire webspace, I found that blogging could give me more opportunity: a potential income. How does it works? Well, at first I should have a blog or website first, and then we can put some advertisements on it. My earning comes from the advertisers.
But, then I realized that my blog didn’t have much popularity among the advertisers, so my advertisement slots were still left empty. And the spread of Adsense became such an epidemic issue. The system rolled so easy and it was so flexible to every webmasters on the planet. All I should do was put the javascript code on a particular space on my website, and Google will automatically select the most appropriate text ads for my blog. All the rules was never click on my own ads. The program does make me income but frankly I never received any payments from them since my account haven’t reached the minimum payout amount.
A month ago, my friend came up and ask me whether I was able to wrote him an article. He said it’s a brand new program which would pay the publisher on a pay-per-post basis. I should wrote about the sponsor review, post it in my blog, and when the post approved, I got payment. And this program called Blogsvertise .
I’ve already wrote 4 articles upon my friends request, all of them were approved and I did really have my payments. And I think, it sounds cool enough for to join this program. I went to its website and wandered around their FAQ’s section where I found the answer from questions which I’d like to ask previously.
And here I say,”why don’t give it a try?”
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posted by Daniy @ 7:13 PM,